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James Dulley: Here’s How to Nail Siding Properly to Avoid Stains

May 04, 2024May 04, 2024

Dear James: We live by a pond, and the weather stays humid. I plan to replace some wood siding myself and don’t want nail rust stains. How should I do it this time?

— Daryl C.

Dear Daryl: Rust stains can occur in any climate and any location, but obviously are more of a potential problem in a constantly humid area.

The rust stains can look awful, and they are often difficult to paint over and completely hide for any length of time.

Problems from metal corrosion are often much more serious than just rust streaks from the nails.

When structural steel components in your house corrode a significant amount, they lose their strength. For example, steel lintels that support brick above windows can begin to deflect.

Installing wood siding is not a difficult physical job, but there are some critical steps for a professional-looking, long-lasting job. These pertain to selecting the proper fasteners (nails), preparing the siding properly and nailing it properly to the walls.

First, you’ll need a quick Nails 101 lecture; it’s not as boring as you think.

If you want to use the best, select stainless steel nails. In all but salty sea air, type 304 stainless steel nails will never corrode, and they are strong. Near the sea, use type 316 stainless steel nails.

Since you are installing the siding yourself to reduce the cost, you should probably choose galvanized (zinc-coated) nails. Do not just run to your hardware store and buy any galvanized nails off the shelf.

There are four basic grades of galvanized nails. They range in quality from cheaper mechanically plated, hot galvanized, electroplated galvanized and the best, hot-dipped galvanized.

All of them, other than hot-dipped, will probably develop varying amounts of rust in spots over time.

Hot-dipped nails are actually dipped once or twice in molten zinc. Under most conditions, they will never rust even after you beat them in with a hammer.

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You can find all types of galvanized nails at most building supply outlets. For stainless steel nails and fasteners, try these companies: Anchor Staple & Nail, Manasquan Premium Fasteners and Maze Nails.

Before you install the wood siding, thoroughly seal each piece with paint or stain. Don’t forget any of the ends that you saw as you fit it.

The saw cuts across the grain and allows moisture to rapidly enter the wood. If this happens, the siding will begin to peel and blister quickly.

You can either spray or roll the paint on the siding. Set each piece on sawhorses. Once you are done thoroughly coating a piece, glide a paintbrush over the exposed side to give it a true brushed wood look.

Although not always done, in your high-humidity area, it is best to install felt, building paper or a water barrier house wrap under the siding. No matter how carefully you install the siding, some water will get behind it at times. The felt will protect the wall studs.

Make sure that you use special siding nails in addition to the proper nail material discussed above. Siding nails have smaller heads, threaded shanks and are long.

When nailing near the ends of wood siding pieces, drill pilot holes to avoid splitting the wood.

Even though you sealed the wood pieces as well as possible first, some moisture will still penetrate the wood. This makes it grow and shrink with changing weather conditions.

Make sure that nails in one piece do not hit another piece. If they do, the pieces will be trapped and may buckle.

James Dulley is a mechanical engineer, an avid Do-It-Yourselfer and a nationally syndicated columnist with Email your questions to him at Here’s How. The opinions expressed are his own.

Dear James:Dear Daryl: